Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I got spoilers for Supernatural Season 5 :(

I am so absolutely, totally, completely anti-spoiler, that sometimes I even refuse to watch episode promos. I just feel that the emotional experience of watching an episode (or even an entire season) for the first time and not having a clue of what's going to happen next is vitally enhances my enjoyment of the show. So, I don't read casting news. I don't read interviews during hellatus (that's hiatus, to the uninformed. But hiatus is hellish. So it's hellatus, see?). I don't even look at any kind of news. Nothing. Which sucks ass because it means I have to rely only on rehashing the last four seasons to survive hellatus.

I have, however, been indulging in all the reports that have come in from Comic-con. Yes, I'm with the bunch of people out there in fandom-land who sit around moaning about how we'll always be too broke or live too far away to go to these things, and wait at home with barely contained excitement for the latest reports, videos, interview transcripts etc. And then, as they begin to trickle in we lap them up and devour them whole and oooppsss!!! I accidentally caught a spoiler. For me it's about as bad as getting a fishbone stuck in your throat while you're enjoying your fish dinner. Actually, so far I've gotten about three or four rather major bits of information that I'd rather not know. By accident. So now I have to let off on all the Comic-con news. Tragic.